It's the last week before Christmas break and it's a busy one!!!!
Few announcements about the week:
*Tuesday is $1.00 to wear red/green or Christmas attire
*Wednesday is Christmas sock day
*Wednesday is the Christmas program- students should arrive and be in their seats by 6:15pm
*Thursday is our class party in the afternoon
*Friday is half day with no aftercare
We started our day watching the spelling bee this morning. It was very exciting and went into a spell-off for second place. The 5-8th grade spellers did a fantastic job!
We took our math DIBELS today after Spanish. These benchmark tests do not affect grades, but the results are used as information for further instruction.
We have been working on writing a persuasive composition and today the edits for the first paragraph were due, and work on the second paragraph began. The kids did great going with the flow as technology issues arose, so we'll need some time tomorrow for our second paragraphs as well!
We rehearsed for the Christmas program this afternoon----and we'll have to log a little extra practice tomorrow to get our songs really fine tuned and our positioning on the risers just perfect. We'll sprinkle this in to our day so that we're already shining at the all school rehearsal tomorrow afternoon!
No spelling this week!