Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thank you Mrs. DiPasquale and Mrs. Wallace for hosting a fun Christmas party this afternoon!  What a great way to get into the holiday spirit! 

Tomorrow is a half day and there's no aftercare!  We have mass at 8:15, per usual, and then we will watch 5th grade present their colonies.  We will end our day with a sing a long with the student council! 

Monday, December 17, 2018

It's the last week before Christmas break and it's a busy one!!!!
Few announcements about the week:
*Tuesday is $1.00 to wear red/green or Christmas attire
*Wednesday is Christmas sock day
*Wednesday is the Christmas program- students should arrive and be in their seats by 6:15pm
*Thursday is our class party in the afternoon
*Friday is half day with no aftercare

We started our day watching the spelling bee this morning.  It was very exciting and went into a spell-off for second place.  The 5-8th grade spellers did a fantastic job!

We took our math DIBELS today after Spanish.  These benchmark tests do not affect grades, but the results are used as information for further instruction.

We have been working on writing a persuasive composition and today the edits for the first paragraph were due, and work on the second paragraph began.  The kids did great going with the flow as technology issues arose, so we'll need some time tomorrow for our second paragraphs as well!

We rehearsed for the Christmas program this afternoon----and we'll have to log a little extra practice tomorrow to get our songs really fine tuned and our positioning on the risers just perfect.  We'll sprinkle this in to our day so that we're already shining at the all school rehearsal tomorrow afternoon!

No spelling this week!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

This week has flown by!  Tonight's homework is workbook page 174 and some IXL.  There was time to work on the IXL today in class, and whatever was left over was homework, so everyone has something a little different.

The kids played a suffix game with a partner today.  They didn't finish it all, so they kept the boards to be able to play again if we have time.  They also took the comprehension and decoding test for the week.  Spelling test tomorrow!

We worked on adding and subtracting fractions today.  Adding with the same denominator is proving to be much easier than adding with different denominators!  We will practice finding common denominators for the next few days to make sure we are successful!

Tomorrow we will have music practice after mass and the zoo is coming in the afternoon!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Today flew by!  We started our morning practicing the Act of Contrition and examining our conscience before confession.  We participated in confession with Fr. John and Fr. David at 9 this morning.  What a great way to start the day!

The kids read a fable about an ant today and compared the non-fiction reading about an ant from yesterday and the fable from today.  They came up with some great similarities and differences.

We practiced multiplication and division in math, as well as common denominators and simplifying fractions.  Phew this was tough for some of us!!!  Please continue to help your child with multiplication and division if they are struggling.  Multiplication facts are a main focus in the third grade, and while we reviewed them again at the beginning of 4th grade, at this point, and really for some time, we use them.  I expect that the kids can list factors, multiples, and find common factors and multiples.  When we go over our computation problems (i.e. 45,678 x 56), I work through it, but we work at a quicker pace now that we're in the second trimester.  If your child needs to practice, please review facts!  Sometimes it takes a little longer for those facts to become second nature, so the more practice the better!  Flashcards work wonderfully, as do written practice or oral practice.  Thank you for your help in insuring the success of all our students!

We ended our day by beginning a new STREAM activity- building an avalanche protection system.  This will take us until break, but we started the process today.  The kids were put in new groups, received their journal, and worked together to build a 10 inch tower using just notecards, that could hold a "ranger".  I took some cute pictures, but for some reason they aren't uploading!  Hopefully I'll be able to get them up this week!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Hello! I'm back from Florida!  I heard it was a great week last week and the kids were wonderful for Mrs. Jauquet!

We did start a new language arts lesson this week and will have a spelling test on Friday.  Our schedule over the next two weeks will probably be a little different as we make time for DIBELS benchmark testing, confession, music practice, and holiday activities.  Tonight there is no homework!

Please give me a day or two to catch up on some emails and things, so if you're waiting to hear from me, I should catch up by tomorrow!