My apologies for the late post! Hopefully your child kept you well informed about our day already!
My favorite thing about today was the virtual field trip we took to the Smithsonian to learn about amphibians! This was quite spur of the moment and it worked perfectly. Discovery Education happened to have a virtual trip (so a live stream) that focused on amphibians. This is perfect for us because we are working on creating model membranes to keep a frog (amphibian!!!) moist and alive. Not only was the virtual trip really well run and the information was amazing, the kids were SO into it! The kids made their final plans for their model membrane today. They will be selling Ms. Peters (me), a bioengineer who needs to transport her frogs from the rainforest to her lab, a model membrane so she can keep her frogs moist and alive! Each item was assigned a price today, so each membrane now has a total price. The rest of the week will be spent creating the advertisement. I cannot wait to watch the videos! I will do my best to post and share them with you- this has never been my strong suit but I think I can get Mrs. Yaeger to help me out...or some former student :)
We reviewed our concepts thus far in math today. An area of challenge seems to be estimating and multiplying, so I'll find some additional practice!
We practiced capitalizing historical events and book titles today in language arts. We also used an online dictionary look up our vocabulary words. The kids had fun with this!
The class is writing to the same seminarian as last year, Peter. They started typing their letters today!
Homework is language arts IXL OO.1-OO.6.
Again, conferences are coming up. If you know that you will not be able to make a scheduled conference during the work day, please email me asap so I can try to squeeze you in at a different time!
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